CS GO and Architecture

Rutik Chopda
3 min readAug 11, 2020

I started playing counter strike few years back and was soon obsessed with it. There are various versions of the game. The most common ones are CS 1.6, CS condition zero and CS GO(global offensive). In this game there are 10 to 12 maps which are very popular and repeatedly used for a lot of years such as

  • Dust
  • Dust 2
  • Inferno
  • Italy
  • Office
  • Train
  • Nuke

In my first year of architecture I saw similarity between architectural design drawings ans CS GO map layouts. So I starting studying these maps and how are they made. These maps helped me understand how to arrange my design and observe movement through it.

The buildings and the effects in the game are amazing and makes it look realistic, the same way architecture students want their design to be.

Context is another important point to complete a basic architectural project. CS GO layouts also have context to them which are generally build by referring to the countries (areas) they want their maps to be placed.

The basic things that the CS GO maps contain are as follows

  • Spawn points
  • Main pathways
  • Objective
  • Connecting pathways
  • Choke points
  • Additional pathways
  • Game play
  • Relating these points to the basic things required for making project

The objective used in the above list can be considered as the program we choose for our project which includes questions relating the utilization of the given space.

Similarly proceeding the spawn points can be considered as entry and exit points to the space and the main pathways can be the walkways through which the people approach the site. The connecting pathways can be the alternate ways the people could move within the place.

This method helps you get started with your design and you can explore much more as you move ahead with the design. As you further design you can have make iterations for your design.

Further you can add levels to the basic design and create your own CS GO map or one of your architectural assignment.

As a student you can get inspiration from anywhere, this is just one way which helped me get started and I am happy to share it with you.

The following video helped me get this information and images, you can refer to it for more !

To learn more visit : https://youtu.be/YBTWe2xUcAM

